Ambassador Jerry Maguire’s Alternative Ecomonies

Jerry Maguire for Alternative Economies

vizKult announces:

Ambassador Jerry Maguires’s AlterNative EcoNomiEs
A new Alternative Economies Affinity Group inspired by Ambassador Jerry Maguire plans to go beyond the typical activist handbook and dialectical double-speak of both the ‘left’ and ‘right’. In the coming months and perhaps next decade, the affinity group is set to unleash alternatives to lift us into a new lucid dimension of economic play with ‘Workers’ Saunas’, ‘Autonomous Yoga Zones’, ‘Community Supported Tropical Agriculture’, ‘Local Kwon Currency’, ‘Time-Warp Banks’, and other ‘Open Sourcery Projects’…

Kwan, Kwon, Quan
For  March 5-27, 2014 you can see the first Kwan prototype on display at Currency as Space @HDLU Treasury and Mint, Trg žrtava fašizma 16 Zagreb, Croatia

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